Vientiane, Lao PDR, 26 July 2016



Mr. Chair, Excellencies,

Thank you, Chair, for the arrangements.

Non-traditional Security Issues

The ARF has done commendable work in promoting cooperation and dialogue to address non-traditional security threats, including violent extremism, trafficking in persons, anddrug trafficking. It also provides an effective platform for the constructive exchange of views on political security issues of regional concern. Through relevant workshops and fora, ARF has also helped strengthen the capacity of member countries to address these matters more effectively.

Countering Violent Extremism

Nothing is more serious and pressing than violent extremism.

The Philippines stands ready to collaborate with other ARF Member Countries in the fight against violent extremism and looks forward to co-chairing the ARF Workshop on Preventing Violent Extremism with the EU within the next intersessional year.

Trafficking in Persons

Dealing with the issue of Trafficking in Persons requires concerted action. We believe that national efforts to combat the problem must be supplemented by strong regional cooperative mechanisms. The Philippines is therefore pleased with the adoption of the ASEAN Convention on Trafficking Persons (ACTIP), which paves the way for greater regional cooperation in addressing the problem. 


Terrorism is a clear and real threat to the security in the region that requires cooperation among countries as it is transnational and transboundary in nature. No one country can single-handedly address it effectively. We are committed to contribute our share in international efforts to addressing the threat posed by these terrorist groups.

Disaster Relief in relation to Climate Change

The Philippines lauds ASEAN’s efforts to consolidate regional response to disasters both within the region and beyond.

          As a country that is no stranger to natural disasters, the Philippines underscores the importance of reducing disaster risks and promoting resiliency. We thus welcome the ASEAN Declaration on One ASEAN One Response: ASEAN Responding to Disasters as One in the Region and Outside the Region and the support extended by ARF members to ASEAN’s initiatives in disaster risk reduction, including employment of disaster risk financing mechanisms.


We welcome the establishment of the ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Drug Matters (AMMD) and fully support our goal of realizing an ASEAN Drug-Free Community.

We look forward to cooperating with ASEAN and other ARF Member Nations in addressing the scourge of illegal drugs.

Situation in the Korean Peninsula

On the situation in the Korean Peninsula, we join our international partners in urging the DPRK to desist from desist from futher nuclear tests and abandon all nuclear weapons and programs in the interest of peace and stability in the region.  We support all efforts to bring about the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula in a peaceful manner and the early resumption of the Six-Party Talks. We support the Republic of Korea’s amendmens to the Chairman’s Statement for our meeting.

South China Sea

We are concerned with the developments in the South China Sea and emphasize the importance of non-militarization in the conduct of activities in the area, as well as the full respect for legal and diplomatic processes. 

Arbitral Award

The Philippines welcomes the issuance on 12 July 2016 of the Award by the Arbitral Tribunal constituted under Annex VII of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) on the arbitration proceedings initiated by the Philippines. The Philippines expresses its appreciation to our fellow ARF members that have issued their respective statements of support regarding the Arbitral Award.

          The Arbitral Award is an established fact and speaks for itself.  It is final and binding and is now part of international jurisprudence related to the maritime domain. It upholds the primacy of international law as the cornerstone of a rules-based regional and international order covering all nations, large and small.

We therefore believe the decision can contribute positively to ongoing efforts aimed at the peaceful settlement of disputes in the South China Sea

Finally, we call for restraint and sobriety as we explore ways forward in the wake of the issuance of the Arbitral Award.

I thank you, Mr. Chairman. (END)


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