Remarks of the
Secretary of Foreign Affairs

at the 49th ASEAN Day Diplomatic Reception

8 August 2016
Conrad Hotel, Pasay City

ASEAN is Strong as One Community


Excellencies of the Diplomatic Corps
Cabinet Secretaries,
Distinguished Guests and Friends of ASEAN,
Fellow Workers in Government,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

On August 8, 1967, forty nine years ago, to be exact, ASEAN came into existence. It was born of the collective aspiration for security, stability, and advancement in the region. ASEAN’s Founding Fathers declared the region’s commitment to promote peace through abiding respect for justice and the rule of law and to accelerate economic growth, social progress, and cultural development.

CENTRALITY and SOLIDARITY – have become our mantra, not only for survival, but a battlecry to score big and small victories for peace, progress and stability.

We have come a long way since our regional group was first organized. Today, ASEAN is a major block of ten countries – and a force to respect and reckon with.

With its progress and achievements, ASEAN has exceeded all expectations. In fact, in the few times when its credibility and relevance had been threatened, ASEAN emerged triumphant and stronger. Only at the recently concluded 49th Ministerial Conference in Vientiane, Laos, ASEAN displayed its courage and the essence of its centrality and solidarity by reaffirming the principles and values that lie at the core of its existence. It upheld its firm adherence and respect for international law, the 1982 UNCLOS and the established legal and diplomatic processes under a rules-based system for the resolution of disputes.

From the ASEAN Declaration to the ASEAN Charter, ASEAN has achieved remarkable progress, in the midst of initial expectations that we cannot hold ASEAN together due to social and political differences. Observers and critics did not realize that our diversity has enriched and deepened our unity, instead of breaking us up.

Our shared secret is that we have chosen to be governed by a statement which I now paraphrase: “In fundamentals, unity; in individual uniqueness, diversity; and in all other things, courage and flexibility.”

We, in the Philippines, are profoundly honored, and delighted to be the Chair of ASEAN during its golden year in 2017. It is a moment to be proud of and a time to ponder ASEAN’s accomplishments. This we must do as we move forward and plan for the future of our region for the next 50 years. As we contemplate that future, let us take stock of what we are and what we have today.

Based on data prepared by the United Nations Population Division, ASEAN’s population will increase from 633 million people in 2015 to 741 million in 2035, a population growth rate of .85% per year.

As one Community, ASEAN stands as the seventh largest economy across the globe with a combined GDP of 2.6 trillion dollars, the seventh largest in the world – and the third largest in Asia. In 2050, ASEAN shall be the fourth largest powerhouse economy.

It is important that we in ASEAN realize that in unity, we can face the future with more confidence. In fact, we can face any challenge and we can exult over the bright prospects of peace, cooperation, and prosperity.

What we have today is a resilient association. We have withstood the Cold War...  We have overcome one crisis after another… and we have consistently advocated peace and harmony with some of the best statesmen among us.

With remarkable steadfastness, we have remained committed to our purpose. We have addressed burning issues – and we have thus remained relevant in these interesting times.

We are succeeding, not in spite of our diversity – but more importantly, because of it – bringing richness and variety to our strategies. Our unique histories, distinct ways of life, and divergent views and perspectives – they all come together in wondrous convergence on decisions at hand.

What we have today – by creative design of all ten Member-States – is an organization that decides by consensus and one that moves sometimes slowly but steadily forward. We are marvelously unafraid to face all traditional and non-traditional challenges. We are committed to a rules-based, people-oriented, and people-centered approach – the ASEAN Way.

Distinguished Guests,

Let me congratulate ourselves and everyone else for contributing to what ASEAN is today. Strong. Dynamic. Resilient. ASEAN is no longer bound by mere geography but by our common objectives and our shared destiny, and it makes me exceedingly proud to welcome you to this wonderful and great occasion.   

On ASEAN’s 49th year, my sincerest gratitude to you all.



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