13 January 2017 — Two teams led by Assistant Secretary Hjayceelyn M. Quintana of the Department of Foreign Affairs’ (DFA) Office of Middle East and African Affairs (OMEAA) recently conducted an Assistance to Nationals (ATN) and Mapping Mission to the southern and eastern African region as part of the Department’s mandate to protect the rights and promote the welfare of Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs).

The teams met with Filipino communities in Madagascar, South Africa, Botswana, Mozambique, Tanzania, Kenya, and Rwanda from December 05 to 18. 

A survey was conducted to map out the locations of Filipinos in Africa, collect information on their demographic and employment profile, as well as assess their working and living conditions in these countries in order for the Department to pro-actively improve the delivery of services to the OFWs in various areas.

The mission was conducted with the support of the Office of Undersecretary for Migrant Workers Affairs (OUMWA), the Philippine Embassies in Pretoria, South Africa and Nairobi, Kenya.

Most of the Filipinos in Africa are professionals and highly-skilled workers. They occupy managerial and supervisory positions and receive fairly good wages.  Some Filipinos in Africa have also become owners of primary schools, restaurants, dental clinics, electrical shops, and construction companies.  They generally enjoy favorable work and living conditions. END


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