ASEAN Conducts Dialogue with Civil Society Organizations

April 30 civil society 1

ASEAN Civil Society Conference/ASEAN Peoples’ Forum (ACSC/APF) Representatives present their consolidated statement to ASEAN representatives at the Dialogue Between ASEAN and ACSC/APF representatives during the 30th ASEAN Summit and related meetings held 26-29 April 2017.

April 30 civil society 2

ASEAN representatives (left side) and ACSC/APF representatives (right), during the Dialogue between ASEAN and ACSC/APF representatives held on 29 April, exchange views on relevant issues of the region. The Dialogue is an initiative of the Philippines in its ASEAN Chairmanship this year, in support of ASEAN’s vision of a people-oriented, people-centered Community.

30 April, Manila - The Philippines, as ASEAN Chair, initiated a Dialogue between ASEAN and the ASEAN Civil Society Conference/ASEAN Peoples’ Forum (ACSC/APF) as part of the 30th ASEAN Summit and related meetings on April 26- 29.

The Dialogue, which was chaired by Acting Secretary of Foreign Affairs Enrique A. Manalo, was attended by key government representatives from Myanmar, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Viet Nam and Brunei Darussalam and from civil society organizations (CSOs), people’s organizations and people’s movement from all ASEAN Countries and Timor-Leste.

The ASEAN government and civil society representatives engaged in a constructive dialogue and were able to exchange views on many important issues such as enhancement of engagement between civil-society groups with ASEAN Member States’ governments, as well as issues on human rights, peace and security, and community, among others.

“Engagement with all sectors, including civil society organizations, is a crucial part of ASEAN's efforts to build a caring and sharing ASEAN Community”, said Acting Secretary Manalo. “Engagements with all of ASEAN's stakeholders help fuel ASEAN's growth as a people-centered, people-oriented organization that looks after the interests of all the ASEAN peoples”, he added.

The ASEAN Civil Society Conference was 1st convened in 2005, which was also the year when the ASEAN Leaders held an interface with civil society representatives during an ASEAN Summit meeting. END


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