DFA-HRMO Conducts Wellness Seminar for First Batch of OCA Frontliners

HRMO Health and Wellness

22 August 2017 —The Human Resources Management Office conducted a wellness seminar for the first batch of frontliners from Office of Consular Affairs (OCA) at Diamond Hotel Manila from August 05 to 06, as a part of Department of Foreign Affairs’ (DFA) dynamic efforts to promote the welfare and wellbeing of its personnel.

The seminar aims to provide opportunity for OCA frontliners to process their stressful experiences, to share their job stresses, to reflect on wellbeing, and to acquire better ways to improve delivery of consular services.

The two-day workshop, in partnership with PMF-PACE, fundamentally adopts the structured learning experience approach to focus not only on the psychological wellbeing but also on customer care efficiency and resiliency of the participants.

The program also builds on the philosophy that OCA frontliners, who go through persistent stress of routine jobs that affect their overall wellbeing as employees and public servants, have adequate intangible resources to deal with their life-work challenges and to adjust to their work condition.

The seminar for the 2nd batch of OCA frontliners will be held from August 26 to 27. END




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