DFA Conducts Seminar on Traditional and Alternative Health Care Modalities in the Philippines

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06 February 2018 MANILA — The Human Resources Management Office, in partnership with the Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care (PITAHC), conducted a Seminar on Traditional and Alternative Health Care Modalities in the Philippines at the Bulwagang Elpidio Quirino on 31 January. The seminar aimed to increase awareness among DFA personnel on traditional and alternative healthcare modalities being practiced in the Philippines.

The seminar’s resource speaker, Dr. Annabelle P. De Guzman, PITAHC Director General, highlighted the role of PITAHC, its mission, vision and objectives, which was created under Republic Act 8423 and is mandated to promote the use of traditional and alternative health care modalities through scientific research.

Dr. De Guzman also discussed different practices on traditional and alternative health care, defined by RA 8423 as the sum total of knowledge, skills and practices on health care, other than those embodied in biomedicine, used in the prevention, diagnosis and elimination of physical or mental disorder.”

She also gave updates on the government’s current efforts in promoting traditional and alternative health care in the country. END

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