UNICEF Representative to PH Presents Credentials to DFA


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 United Nations Children's Fund Reprsentative to the Philppines Oyunsaikhan Dendevnorov (right) presents her credentials as the UNICEF to Foreign Affairs Undersecretary for Strategic Communications and Research Ernesto C. Abella. (DFA-OSCR Photo by Philip Fernandez)


MANILA 09 August 2019 — The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) received the credentials of the new United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Representative to the Philippines on 9 August 2019.

Oyunsaikhan Dendevnorov presented her credentials as the UNICEF head in the country to Foreign Affairs Undersecretary for Strategic Communications and Research Ernesto C. Abella, formalizing the continuing partnership between the Philippine Government and UNICEF under her leadership.

In highlighting the Philippine success story in protecting, fulfilling, and promoting the rights of the child, Ms. Dendevnorov cited the technically advanced legislation, plans and programs of the Government in implementing its obligations under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).

She also commended the recently enacted “Special Protection of Children in Situations of Armed Conflict” law or Republic Act 11188, which was signed into law on 10 January 2019, which complemented the UN-Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) Action Plan to end recruitment and use of children in armed conflict which led to the disengagement of more than 1,800 children from the MILF armed forces.

The Philippines ratified the UNCRC on 21 August 1990, and its two optional protocols in 2002 and 2003. The PH-UNICEF partnership, however, started earlier with programs aimed at enhancing the Filipino children’s welfare.

To date, UNICEF implements the 8th Philippine Country Programme for Children (2019-2023) in partnership with the government and civil society on child survival, education, child protection, social policy and governance.

Undersecretary Abella expressed appreciation for the strong PH-UNICEF partnership particularly on initiatives that expand access to quality education, including early child care and development, especially for the marginalized and excluded children, as well as in the Bangsamoro.

He also mentioned the importance of sharing the Government’s success stories on the issue of promoting and protecting children’s welfare to serve as an example and an inspiration to other states party to the UNCRC.

Ms. Dendevnorov praised the Government’s untiring and promising efforts to promote and protect the rights of Filipino children, and committed to continue UNICEF’s significant contributions to the protection and promotion of children’s rights and welfare in the Philippines.

The event marks the 70 years of continuing partnership of the Philippines and UNICEF in making sure that no child is left behind. END


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