DFA Consular Office in La Union Joins Earthquake Drill, Observance of World Tsunami Awareness Day

LaUnionEarthquake1Department of Foreign Affairs Consular Office (DFA CO) in La Union participated in the Conduct of the Nationwide Simultaneous Earthquake Drill (NSED) and Observance of World Tsunami Awareness Day held at CO’s on 14 November 2019. (DFA CO La Union photo)

LaUnionEarthquake2CO La Union’s Information Officer and Disaster Risk Reduction Management (DRRM) Focal Person Christian Kelvin C. Gonzales gives lecture to the applicants on how to conduct the basic Duck, Cover, and Hold during times of earthquake. (DFA CO La Union photo)

LaUnionEarthquake3Assistance-to-Nationals Officer Mr. Michael John Angeles gives reminders to passport applicants on what to do during times of earthquake or tsunami. (DFA CO La Union photo)

LaUnionEarthquake4Signing Officer Ms. Grace Bañez extends her gratitude and appreciation to applicants who spent their time and joined the CO’s Earthquake Drill. (DFA CO La Union photo)


All applications should be made in person by the applicant except under certain circumstances (e.g. documents filed by his/her immediate kin.

Applications not paid within 24 hours shall be disposed of.