Diplomats and Businessmen Vie for Secretary of Foreign Affairs Golf Tournament Cup

02 January 2020 — Golfing enthusiasts from the diplomatic and business communities in Metro Manila will compete for the 2020 Secretary of Foreign Affairs Cup at the golf tournament to be held at the Ayala Greenfields Golf and Country Club in Calamba, Laguna, on Monday, 23 March 2020.

The invitational golf tournament is organized by the Department of Foreign Affairs Retired Personnel Foundation, Incorporated (DFARFI), in cooperation with the Philippine Ambassadors Foundation Incorporated (PAFI), to raise funds for the health and wellness program of the DFARFI for the benefit of the retired rank-and-file personnel of the Department of Foreign Affairs. The program covers the costs of regular medical consultations or checkups, laboratory expenses, and assistance in defraying hospitalization costs of members.

Former Secretary of Foreign Affairs and Ambassador to the United States Alberto del Rosario has accepted the chairmanship of the Steering Committee of the golf tournament. A consistent supporter since his days in the Foreign Service, Secretary del Rosario has hailed the DFARFI health program as a “clear manifestation that the officers and employees of the Department continue after retirement to be a family bound by abiding concern for each other’s well-being”. The DFARFI was established on the “bayanihan” spirit in view of the fact that retirees in the Philippines lose their health insurance coverages upon reaching compulsory retirement age.

Former Congressman and Ambassador to Brazil Macario Laurel, PAFI president emeritus and former Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs and Permanent Representative to the United Nations Lauro Baja, PAFI chairman, serve as Advisers of the Steering Committee.

Registration of the tournament is scheduled up to 6 a.m. on 23 March 2020 and the ceremonial tee-off to be led by DFA officials and ASEAN Ambassadors will be held at 7 a.m.

The tournament will be capped by a luncheon and program with entertainment, awarding of trophies to winners, and a raffle with valuable prizes at stake to be donated by the tournament’s sponsors and patrons and including signature gift items from participating embassies.

Other members of the Steering Committee are Ambassador Isaias Begonia, vice chairman; Ambassador Antonio Villamayor and Ambassador Zenaida Collinson, ways and means; Ambassador Vidal Querol and Ambassador Noe Wong, tournament directors; Ambassador Jaime Yambao, promotion; and Ambassador Mindy Cruz, treasurer.

All those wishing to participate or contribute to the fund-raising event may contact the Tournament Secretariat c/o Mrs. Francia Ybanez, DFA Retirees Liaison Officer, OPLM, DFA. Pasay City, at telephone number 8834-3750 or cell number 0995-186-6257.



All applications should be made in person by the applicant except under certain circumstances (e.g. documents filed by his/her immediate kin.

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