DFA Consular Office in La Union Participates Forum on Passport Processing

LaUnionForum1Philippine Statistics Authority in La Union Officer-in-Charge Niño E.Tuazon, awarding the Certificate of Appreciation to DFA Consular Office in La Union’s Officer-in-Charge Grace M. Bañez. (La Union CO photo)

LA UNION 13 February 2020 — DFA Consular Office in La Union’s Officer-in-Charge (OIC), Grace M. Bañez and Administrative Officer IV Venus T. Valdez-Frutas, participated in the forum on “Concerns on Civil Registration Documents as Requirements for Passport Processing” at the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) – La Union Provincial Statistical Office, San Fernando City on 04 February 2020.

The forum, which was organized by PSA in cooperation with the La Union Civil Registrars Association in celebration of the 30th Civil Registration Month, was attended by City and Municipal Registrars of La Union and PSA officials.

PSA La Union’s Officer-in-Charge Niño E. Tuazon facilitated the discussion on PSA’s Memorandum Circular Nos. 2004-14 (Middle Name to Use After Availing of RA 9225) and 2007-005 (Middle Name and Middle Initial in the Certificate of Live Birth), dated 20 July 2004 and 13 February 2007, respectively.

OIC Bañez informed the participants on the documentary requirements for passport application and procedures on securing online appointment. She also shared the Department’s passport guidelines on the use of middle name and surname of an illegitimate child. END

LaUnionForum2Participants from various partner agencies, LCRs and Philippine Statistics Authority personnel during the Concerns on Civil Registration Documents as Requirements for Passport Processing. (La Union CO photo)

LaUnionForum3Philippine Statistics Authority in La Union Officer-in-Charge Niño E.Tuazon expresses his gratitude for the presence of the invited partner agencies. PSA spearheaded the meeting as part of the 30th Civil Registration Month. (La Union CO photo)


All applications should be made in person by the applicant except under certain circumstances (e.g. documents filed by his/her immediate kin.

Applications not paid within 24 hours shall be disposed of.