DFA Consular Office in La Union Joins Environment Month Celebration

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(DENR-EMB Region I photo) 

LA UNION 02 July 2020 – The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) Consular Office (CO) in La Union participated in the Environment Month Celebration on 25 June 2020 through a virtual environmental and fitness event dubbed “ZumKalikasan”, which was organized by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources–Environment Management Bureau (DENR-EMB)–Region I.

Various government agencies in Region I supported and actively joined the activity which highlighted the theme, “Protect Nature, Sustain Our Future.” The event aimed to raise awareness on the protection and conservation of the environment, as well as to promote a healthy lifestyle through regular exercise amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Raffle prizes consisting of washable face masks and Zumba singlets were awarded to online viewers and participants. 

A short video on the declaration of 05 June 2020 as World Environment Day and proclamation of June as Philippine Environment Month was also shown as part of the awareness campaign. END

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(CO La Union photo)

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The Department of Environment and Natural Resources–Environment Management Bureau (DENR-EMB)–Region I hosts the ZumKalikasan 2.0 through Facebook Live. (CO La Union photo)

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(CO La Union photo)

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(CO La Union photo)

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The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) Consular Office (CO) in  La Union’s personnel join the ZumKalikasan event spearheaded by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources–Environment Management Bureau (DENR-EMB)–Region I in celebration of Environment Month. (CO La Union Photo)


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