DFA Consular Office in Tagum, Davao Region Local Government Units, Successfully Transport Repatriates from General Santos City Seaport

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Governor Generoso Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (GovGen MDRRMO) Responders pose for a successful turn-over of the four repatriates bound for their municipality. (Tagum CO photo)

TAGUM CITY 23 October 2020 – Another close coordination between the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) Consular Office (CO) in Tagum and the Davao Oriental Local Government Units led to the successful transportation of seven Filipino fishermen from General Santos Seaport to their respective home cities and municipalities on 17 October 2020. The said fishermen are among the 40 repatriated from Bitung and Manado, Indonesia on 16 October 2020.

Mati City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (Mati CDRRMO), led by Ms. Catherine Bijis and Governor Generoso Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction, and Management Office (GovGen MDRRMO), led by Ms. Shiela Jane Ceniza-Silverio, dispatched their respective team of responders to General Santos City Sea Port where the ferrying vessel, BRP Tubattaha of the Philippine Coast Guard docked and dropped off the repatriates.

The four repatriates bound for Governor Generoso were brought to the municipality’s designated quarantine facility. The other three repatriates bound for Mati City were received by the local government unit’s Alternate Care Site (ACS) Facility early evening the same day. END

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Mati City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (Mati CDRRMO) Team Responders in position at General Santos City Sea Port. (Tagum CO photo)


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