DFA Repatriates 7,732 Overseas Filipinos This Week

OFs Repatriated 25 October

PASAY CITY 25 October 2020 — The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) continues to deliver on its promise of bringing home overseas Filipinos (OFs) from anywhere in the world as it repatriated an additional 7,732 OFs this week. This puts the total number of repatriated Filipinos to 231,026 since February 2020. Of the total, 76,069 (32.93%%) are sea-based, while 154,957 (67.07%) are land-based.

The DFA flew home 6,344 OFs from the Middle East on board 28 special commercial repatriation flights facilitated by the DFA. 5,162 of these OFs arrived from Saudi Arabia and the UAE. There were also 312 stranded Agrostudies students who were repatriated from Israel last 21 and 24 October 2020. The 21 October 2020 flight was an EI AI chartered flight coordinated by the Philippine Embassy in Tel Aviv and the MASHAV aid agency of Israel.

Meanwhile, the repatriation of 851 OFs from Asia and the Pacific, 534 from Europe, and 3 from the Americas were facilitated by the DFA this week. Medical repatriations from Texas, USA and Brisbane, Australia were also successfully conducted amid the challenges brought about by the pandemic.

The DFA continues to stand ready to bring home our fellow Filipinos wherever and whenever possible. END


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