DFA Consular Office in Tacloban Joins 18-Day Campaign to End Violence Against Women (VAW)

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(CO Tacloban photo)

TACLOBAN 27 November 2020 – The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) Consular Office (CO) in Tacloban joined the Nation in opening the 18-Day Campaign to End Violence Against Women (VAW) and declared its strong support to end all forms of gender-based violence on 25 November 2020

The Consular Office officially launched its version of “Orange Your Icon for 18 Days” through lighting its iconic spot of the DFA Logo and orange standees “#VAWFREEPH DFA TACLOBAN'' outside the consular area to raise public curiosity and support. 

The Consular Office also distributed Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) materials, Hygiene Kits, Round Fans and Button Pins with the printed Theme “VAW Free Community Starts with Me” at the consular area. VAW Unspoken Word Videos, Tesda Mask Making Video, 10-day VAWC Leave Video and Macho Choir (Anti-Calcalling) Lyric Videos were presented at the consular area. To promote and widespread the campaign, the Consular Office personnel, likewise used the official DFA End VAWC Facebook Frame in their social media accounts. 

The Consular Office in Tacloban will continue activities during the 18-Day Campaign period such as the following: Dissemination of IEC Materials; Distribution of Hygiene Kits; Distribution of Round Fans and Button Pins; Display of video/media presentations; Orange Fridays – personnel will wear orange polo shirts on all Fridays during the campaign period; and Virtual Basic Self-Defense Training. END

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(CO Tacloban photo)


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