Philippines Asserts Universal Health Coverage, Right to Health in ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights Forum

Philippines Asserts Universal Health Coverage 1

Assistant Secretary and Temporary Philippine Representative to AICHR Jaime Victor Ledda chairs Session 1: Progresses and Challenges towards Achieving Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Post-Pandemic of the AICHR Forum on Right to Health. He is joined by the speakers, Dr. Renzo Guinto of St. Luke’s Medical Center College of Medicine, Philippines and Dr. Kalsum Komaryani, MPPM, Director for Health Financing and National Health Insurance, Secretariat General, Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia as well as H.E. Yuyun Wahyuningrum, Representative of Indonesia to the AICHR during the question and answer portion. (Photo courtesy of AICHR)

MANILA 01 July 2021 – Foreign Affairs Assistant Secretary and Temporary Philippine Representative to the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) Jaime Victor Ledda chaired and moderated the first session on “Progresses and Challenges towards Achieving Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Post-Pandemic” of the AICHR Forum on Right to Health, held via video conference on 29 June 2021, where he underscored the importance of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in the fulfilment of one’s right to health.

“As we move forward towards our COVID-19 comprehensive recovery efforts, it is important that we incorporate the principles of UHC in our recovery plans,” said AICHR Temporary Philippine Representative Ledda as he enjoined participants in the Forum to uphold their duty to protect the right to health within the ASEAN Community. 

Speakers from the session discussed gaps and challenges in the implementation of UHC among ASEAN member states. Dr. Renzo Guinto of St. Luke’s Medical Center College of Medicine, shared how Southeast Asia has become a microcosm of global health exposed to a pandemic of communicable and non-communicable diseases, and other health-related concerns such as climate change and pollution. 

Dr. Kalsum Komaryani of the Ministry of Health of Indonesia on the other hand, highlighted the ongoing initiatives and milestones of ASEAN health sectors in achieving UHC and emphasized that the right to health is interlinked to all aspects of human rights. 

The session stressed how UHC needs to be all-encompassing cutting across national borders and that it should be a robust healthcare strategy for all. Health sectors were encouraged to acknowledge the unique health needs of every group and sector in the ASEAN Community, such as migrants, refugees, women, indigenous peoples, and other vulnerable groups. 

Organized by AICHR Indonesia, the AICHR Forum on Right to Health was participated in by more than 90 representatives from government agencies, civil organizations, and other sectors in ASEAN. END

Philippines Asserts Universal Health Coverage 2

Dr. Renzo Guinto of St. Luke’s Medical Center College of Medicine presents the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic to the UHC and recommends way forwards. (Photo courtesy of AICHR)

Philippines Asserts Universal Health Coverage 3

Dr. Kalsum Komaryani of the Ministry of Health - Indonesia presents ASEAN’s initiatives towards UHC and shares the experience of Indonesia in implementing UHC. (Photo courtesy of AICHR)


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