DFA Leads International Humanitarian Law Day

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From left to right- Ms. Sahar Haroon of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Atty. Hazel Joves of the Office of Special Envoy on Transnational Crime (OSETC), Atty. Lorna Kapunan of the Philippine Red Cross, Mr. Dany Merhy of the ICRC Philippines, Undersecretary Jesus Domingo of the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA), Assistant Secretary Maria Teresa Almojuela of the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA), Senior Undersecretary Irineo Espino of the Department of National Defense (DND), Undersecretary Severo Catura of the Presidential Human Rights Committee Secretariat (PHRCS), Atty. Daniel Lising of UP Human Rights Center, and Mr. Alfredo Lubang of the Philippine Campaign to Ban Landmines graced the IHL Commemoration Event on 11 August 2023
(Photo courtesy of DFA-OPCD Maria Vanessa Ubac)

MAKATI 15 August 2023 – The Department of Foreign Affairs led this year’s International Humanitarian Law Commemoration with the theme, “IHL: Gabay sa Makataong Pagsulong ng Kapayapaan,” on 11 August 2023 at Makati Diamond Residences.   

Over 400 individuals from 21 government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and also representing civil society and academe, participated in-person and through virtual platforms.

DFA Undersecretary Jesus “Gary” Domingo delivered the message of Secretary for Foreign Affairs Enrique A. Manalo, highlighting the achievements of the Philippines in promoting and upholding the principles of International Humanitarian Law. These achievements include ratification of the four Geneva Conventions (international treaties that form the core of IHL), conducting training for government agencies, and advocating for greater respect for IHL in the UN and global community in the wake of new challenges that are transforming warfare, such as AI and autonomous weapons.

Undersecretary Severo Catura of the Presidential Human Rights Committee Secretariat delivered the message of Executive Secretary Lucas Bersamin who emphasized the importance of IHL in realizing lasting peace and sustainable development after decades of armed conflict.  He reaffirmed the Philippine government’s commitment to the principles of IHL, including through the provision of an amnesty package for former combatants to help them rebuild their lives and promote national healing. 

Also joining Undersecretary Domingo and Undersecretary Catura were DFA Assistant Secretary for the United Nations and International Organizations Maria Teresa Almojuela, Senator Richard Gordon of the Philippine Red Cross, Mr. Dany Merhy of the International Committee of the Red Cross Philippines, and Senior Undersecretary Irineo Espino of the Department of National Defense.

A symposium on different perspectives of IHL in the Philippines was held that discussed legal and civil society perspectives, as well as national good practices in the implementation of IHL. The relevance of IHL and challenges of its applicability to emerging technologies was also highlighted. 

Atty. Daniel Lising of the UP Human Rights Center, Mr. Alfredo Lubang of the Philippine Campaign to Ban Landmines, Atty. Hazel Joves of the Office of Special Envoy on Transnational Crime, and Ms. Sahar Haroon of the International Committee of the Red Cross served as panelists.

There was a strong call issued by Senator Gordon and participants to “make every day IHL Day” and to institutionalize the Ad Hoc IHL Interagency Committee into a permanent body.

International Humanitarian Law (IHL) is the body of international law that governs the conduct of war. It aims to limit the effects of armed conflicts on people who are not part of hostilities and protect human dignity.  Pursuant to Executive Order No. 134, the 12th of August is declared as International Humanitarian Law Day. This year’s celebration was co-hosted by the Department of Foreign Affairs and the Department of National Defense. END

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IN PHOTO: Symposium panelists discussing the different perspectives on International Humanitarian Law in the Philippines during the IHL Commemoration
(Photo courtesy of DFA-OPCD Maria Vanessa Ubac)


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