PH Secretary for Foreign Affairs Celebrates Contributions of Colombo Plan Staff College on Its 50th Anniversary 

SFA Manalo delivers the keynote address at the 50th Anniversary of the Colombo Plan Staff College

MANILA 06 December 2023 – Secretary for Foreign Affairs Enrique A. Manalo celebrated the contributions of the Colombo Plan Staff College (CPSC) to economic growth and sustainable development of the Asia-Pacific region during the 50th Anniversary of the CPSC held at Dusit Thani Hotel, Makati on 04 December 2023. 

“The Philippines is proud of the successes the organization has achieved since its inception,” stated Manalo during his keynote address.

The event was hosted by CPSC Director General G.L.D. Wickramasinghe and was attended by the Staff College’s Governing Board Chairperson, H.E. Ambassador Betty Palaso of Papua New Guinea, CPSC member countries, former Directors-General of the CPSC, members of the diplomatic corps, partners from the education and development sectors, the business community, and the media.  

With the theme “Navigating the Future of TVET: Empowering Generations for Sustainable Progress over 50 Years”, the celebration was a commemoration of the achievements of CPSC in delivering responsive and quality TVET training programs in the Asia Pacific, as well as the work of its partner TVET institutions and employees. 

The CPSC was established on 05 December 1973 to provide quality technical education and training for countries of the Asia-Pacific region. The Republic of Singapore served as its first host government. In January 1987, CPSC moved to Manila upon the invitation of the Philippine Government. The Philippines has since been host to the CPSC.

Manalo further remarked, “the CPSC is one of the foremost examples of how the Philippines supports multilateral collaboration for collective action and common purpose. Especially in the Asia-Pacific region… we must work even more closely together so that our peoples will develop equitably and sustainably, which we believe is the main ingredient and sets the enabling conditions for a more peaceful and stable Asia.”

Over the years, the CPSC has evolved from a training center into a full scale intergovernmental organization that enhances TVET systems in various countries and provides human resources development. 

It conducts digital training modalities through its Web Teaching and Learning Systems. CPSC launched the Asia Pacific Accreditation and Certification Commission, which is the premier accreditation and certification commission for TVET institutions in the region. 

The current CPSC Governing Board is composed of Papua New Guinea (Chair), the Philippines (Vice Chair; represented by TESDA Director General), Bangladesh, India, Malaysia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, the Colombo Plan Secretariat, and the CPSC Directory General (Secretary). The Philippines will take on the role of Chair of the Governing Board for the fiscal year 2024-2025.

Secretary Manalo also noted that the CPSC is a “testament to the Philippines’ deep commitment to South-South and Triangular Cooperation and enhancing international engagement towards the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals and objective of the Colombo Plan… for the economic and social advancement of the peoples of South and Southeast Asia.” END

SFA Manalo leads the cake cutting; he is joined by CPSC Governing Board Chairperson Ambassador Betty Palaso of Papua New Guinea (to his right), CPSC Director General Prof. G.L.D. Wickramasinghe (to his left), and Ambassadors of CPSC Member Countries


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