Philippines and Latvia Hold Inaugural Political Consultation in Riga

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Foreign Affairs Assistant Secretary Maria Elena Algabre (center left side) leads the Philippine Delegation to the inaugural Philippines-Latvia Political Consultations  held in Riga on 28 May 2024.

RIGA 04 June 2024 – Assistant Secretary Maria Elena Algabre of the Office of European Affairs of the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) led the Philippine Delegation to the inaugural Philippines-Latvia Political Consultations, hosted by the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) and  held on 28 May 2024  in Riga, Latvia. The Latvian delegation was headed by Latvian MFA Director General for Bilateral Relations, Ms. Katarina Platere.

The members of the Philippine delegation included Philippine Ambassador to Poland Lea M Basinang-Ruiz, together with First Secretary Alena S Borra, Office of European Affairs Director Ferdinand Flores, and Office of the Undersecretary for Migration Affairs (OUMA) Special Assistant Mr. Charleson Hermosura. 

The Political Consultations immediately followed the signing on 27 May 2024 of the Memorandum of Understanding on Bilateral Consultations between the DFA and the Latvian MFA.

Ambassador Basinang-Ruiz signed the MOU on behalf of the DFA,  together with the Latvian Foreign Affairs State Secretary  Andris Pelšs. Based in Poland, Ambassador Basinang-Ruiz is the non-resident Philippine Ambassador to Latvia.

During the political consultations, the delegations underscored that the Philippines and Latvia were like-minded countries, with shared values of democracy, human rights, rule of law, and  rules-based international order. 

They discussed ways of expanding bilateral engagements and links in the political,  economic and socio-cultural spheres, such as on trade and investments,  ICT, maritime,  sports and music. They exchanged views on developments in regional and international issues, notably in Ukraine and in the South China Sea/West Philippine Sea.

At the sidelines of the political consultations, the Philippine delegation  visited and met with officials of other Latvian institutions. The visit to Rīga Stradiņš University-Faculty of Social Sciences looked at potential education cooperation and exchanges with the University and Philippine academic counterparts. In addition, Assistant Secretary Algabre delivered a lecture on Philippine foreign policy, for  social sciences students at the University. 

The visit to the Pauls Stradiņš Clinical University Hospital presented opportunities  for exchanges on medical research and of scientists. The visit to the Riga Bourse Art Museum identified options for future expositions of Philippine arts and traditional crafts pieces, and performances of Filipino singers and artists. 

The delegation also met with the Philippine Honorary Consul in Riga, Mr. Dimitry Trofimov, for updates on  the status of the small Filipino community in Latvia  (more than 180 Filipinos), and to identify trade/tourism promotion activities.

The Philippines and Latvia celebrated thirty years of bilateral diplomatic relations in 2021. END

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Ambassador Ruiz exchanges signed copies of the MOU with Latvian Foreign Affairs State Secretary Pelss.

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The Philippine delegation with Latvian Foreign Affairs State Secretary Andris Pelšs (fourth from right), Ms Katarina Platere (third from left) and Ms Anita Samata (first from right) after the signing of the MOU on Bilateral Consultations on 27 May 2024.


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