Philippines Holds Informal Consultations with Civil Society and UN Country Team in Preparation for the 2025 UN Ocean Conference 

../Desktop/Screen%20Shot%202024-09-04%20at%2011.38.35%20AM.pThe informal group discussion included representatives from Oceana Philippines, Rare Philippines, Greenpeace Philippines, Frabelle Fishing Corporation, Conservation International-Philippines, World Wide Fund for Nature Philippines, U.N. country team, and the DFA.

MANILA 04 September 2024 – The Department of Foreign Affairs (Maritime and Ocean Affairs Office) convened representatives from civil society, non-government organizations and businesses, as well as from the United Nations country team in the Manila, for an informal group discussion towards reinforce the Philippines’ preparations for the Third United Nations Ocean Conference (UNOC), which will be held in Nice, France in June 2025. This event builds on the earlier consultations with Philippine government agencies, scientists and ocean experts also organized by the DFA.

The productive discussions led a consensus to continue with further coordination and consultations towards a whole-of-nation approach for the UNOC. The representative from the UN country team in the Philippines particularly welcomed such an approach and offered some key insights in support of the Philippines’ efforts.  

The UNOC aims to mobilize action for Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14, which is the conservation, and sustainable use of the ocean, seas and marine resources. 

The Philippines, through the DFA and its government and non-government partners, will continue to ramp up preparations for the 2025 UNOC through regular engagements with relevant partners and stakeholders, including through a wider national stakeholder’s meeting later this year. END


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