Blue Nations: Philippines and France Highlight Preparations for 2025 UN Oceans Conference


Above(L-R): French Embassy Political Advisor Ms. Francesca Fuentes, CORA founder and UNEP Goodwill Ambassador Ms. Antoinette Taus, AFD Director of Southeast Asia Regional Division Mr. Jean-Pierre Marcelli, DFA-MOAO Assistant Secretary Marshall Louis M. Alferez, and H.E. Ambassador  Marie Fontanel answered questions from the audience.

MANILA 16 October 2024 – At the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (APMCDRR), the Philippines joined a panel discussion organized by the Embassy of France on the preparations for the Third UN Ocean Conference (UNOC3), which will be held in Nice, France in June 2025.

Ambassador Marie Fontanel of France initiated the talks by outlining the UNOC3 agenda and sharing updates on logistics, organization, and the Embassy's Blue Initiative activities, including youth engagement. Mr. Jean-Pierre Marcelli from the French Agency for Development (AFD) highlighted his agency's efforts to mobilize international finance for ocean protection, particularly in the Southeast Asia region. UN Environment Programme (UNEP) Goodwill Ambassador Ms. Antoinette Taus of the non-profit organization Communities Organized for Resource Allocation (CORA) discussed Filipino youth engagement in ocean conservation. And Assistant Secretary Marshall Louis M. Alferez of the Department of Foreign Affairs - Maritime and Ocean Affairs Office (DFA-MOAO) shared the Philippines' preparatory activities for UNOC3, including consultations with government and non-government stakeholders, as well as collaborations with the French Embassy.

After the remarks and presentations from the resource speakers, there was a lively discussion with the very diverse audience consisting of representatives from governments, international institutions, private sector, NGOs, academic and research institutions, media, as well as special sectors such as the youth, fisherfolk, and local coastal communities. Key topics that were discussed included addressing plastic pollution and the ongoing negotiations for a treaty, sustainable fishing, youth participation, UNCLOS and the BBNJ Agreement, ocean literacy, and local ocean governance and development. The discussions certainly helped further inform the Philippine preparations for UNOC3. 

As a mid-ocean archipelago, the Philippines is acutely aware of the importance of SDG 14 - to conserve and sustainably the ocean and its resources. In line with UNCLOS, the constitution of the ocean, the Philippines has mainstreamed SDG 14 into its national development plan and sees the UNOC3 as an important forum towards identifying and addressing gaps, and mobilizing action for effectively achieving SDG 14. With France and other like-minded partners and fellow ocean advocates, the Philippines continues with its whole of nation approach in preparing for UNOC3. Towards this end, the DFA intends to conduct a national stakeholders consultation workshop in November 2024 engaging both government and non-government sectors. The DFA also continues with its consultations from all stakeholders, and invites everyone to accomplish an online survey for UNOC3 that can be accessed by scanning the QR code below. END


Above: DFA-MOAO Assistant Secretary Marshall Louis M. Alferez shares an overview of the ongoing Philippine preparations for the UNOC3.


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