
11 August 2015 - The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA), along with other Philippine government agencies, welcomed on August 10 the arrival of Mr. Ahmad Alhendawi, the very first United Nations Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth. Since his assumption in 2013, Mr. Alhendawi has been mandated to bring the voice of the global youth across a number of cross-cutting issues to the United Nations multilateral arena.

High-level representatives from the National Youth Commission (NYC), Departments of Health (DOH), Education (DEPED), Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), Labor and Employment (DOLE), Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), the Commission on Population (POPCOM), the Technical Education and Skills Development Agency (TESDA) and the UNESCO National Commission (UNACOM) were in attendance.  Also present were the United Nations Resident Coordinator in the Philippines, Mr. Ola Almgren, and the United Nations Population Fund Country Representative, Mr. Klaus Beck.

In his opening remarks, DFA Undersecretary Jesus I. Yabes underscored the importance of strategic and dynamic approaches when addressing issues of the youth, a sector that comprises almost thirty per cent of the Philippine population. NYC Chairperson Gregorio Tingson shared some insights and reflections on the implementation of the Philippine Youth Development Plan (2011-2016). The morning’s program also included comprehensive presentations of agencies on their youth-focused interventions which highlighted not only the national gains achieved but also challenges specific to the sector that persist.

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Mr. Alhendawi stressed the importance of interagency coordination and strengthened resource mobilization in ensuring that youth issues are adequately addressed by national frameworks. END


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