25 November 2015 - The Department of Foreign Affairs, Overseas Voting Secretariat (DFA-OVS) announces that COMELEC has extended the period of filing of Application for Reactivation from October 31 to December 09.

In addition, COMELEC-OFOV has also simplified the process of the Application for Reactivation (OVF No. 1G) by allowing the filing by either:

  1. Sending a copy of the duly accomplished OVF No. 1G, including its attachment, if applicable, via e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or through facsimile to (0632) 521-29-52; or
  1. Personally or through mail at the nearest Embassy, Consulate, Mission, MECO or at the Office for Overseas Voting (OFOV) in COMELEC, Manila.

The form for Application for Reactivation is available at any Embassy, Consulate, Mission, MECO or may be downloaded from the COMELEC ( and DFA-OVS ( websites. END


All applications should be made in person by the applicant except under certain circumstances (e.g. documents filed by his/her immediate kin.

Applications not paid within 24 hours shall be disposed of.