Statement of the
Foreign Affairs Secretary Perfecto R. Yasay, Jr.
during the 11th ASEM Summit
15 July 2016
Two Decades of Partnership: Taking Stock and Looking Ahead
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
I wish to convey the deepest sympathies and condolences of my government and of the Filipino people to the government and people of France for the recent tragedy in Nice. We stand with you in this time of grief and tragedy.
The Philippines would like to thank our gracious hosts, the government and people of Mongolia, for the hospitality and excellent arrangements for this 11th ASEM Summit in the beautiful city of Ulaanbaatar.
I also convey the warm greetings of Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte to the Chair – President Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj – and to the Leaders gathered here today.
Mr. Chair, the Philippines joins the Asia-Europe community in celebrating the 20th anniversary of ASEM. Looking back at the last twenty years, ASEM has been a platform not only for functional cooperation among Asian and European countries, but also for fruitful and meaningful discussions on all of ASEM’s three pillars: the political, the economic, and the social, cultural, and educational pillars. We support ASEM’s balanced treatment of the three pillars.
ASEM has promoted multilateral cooperation in addressing regional and international political-security concerns as terrorism, nuclear testing, climate change and human rights.
Mr. Chair, I believe we should take stock and look at the way forward for ASEM. I believe this gives us an opportunity to help chart ASEM’s future course to ensure it can make a meaningful contribution to promoting international understanding and cooperation.
On July 12, Mr. Chair, the Arbitral Tribunal constituted under Annex VII of the 1982 UNCLOS issued an award on the arbitration proceedings initiated by the Philippines. The Philippines welcomes this issuance.
The Philippines strongly affirms its respect for this milestone decision as an important contribution to the ongoing efforts in addressing disputes in the SCS. We call on all parties to exercise restraint and sobriety.
The Philippines reiterates its abiding commitment to pursue the peaceful resolution and management of disputes with a view to promoting and enhancing peace and stability in the region.
At the same time we attach great importance to measures that will restore trust and confidence among parties in the region. The Philippines shall continue to engage concerned parties to finding ways to reduce regional tensions and to build greater trust and confidence. In this regard, the Philippines will continue fostering mutually beneficial relations with all nations.
Trust and confidence go hand in hand with mutual respect and equal partnership, two of ASEM’s core values. For twenty years we have all worked under these guiding principles. I am confident that we shall continue to do so in the years ahead.
Thank you, Mr. Chair.