Public Advisory: Number of COVID-19 Cases Among Filipinos Abroad (As of 10 September 2020)

Similar to yesterday’s figures, the DFA reports an increase in the number of Filipinos abroad who have recovered from COVID-19, with 31 new recoveries in the Americas, Asia and the Pacific, and the Middle East. Meanwhile, 11 new confirmed cases were also reported in the same regions and 5 new fatalities in the Middle East. To date, the total number of countries and regions with confirmed cases among Filipinos is now at 75, with a new report from an additional country in the Americas.

As DFA personnel in our Foreign Service Posts continues to report on the status of Filipinos abroad, the DFA assures the public its unceasing efforts in attending to the needs of our people and facilitating requests for repatriation, whenever possible.

09.10.20.Fil Abroad 1

09.10.20.Fil Abroad 2

09.10.20.Fil Abroad 3