Number of COVID-19 Cases Among Filipinos Abroad (As of 09 August 2021)

The DFA reports a total of 90 new confirmed cases, 27 new recoveries, and 3 new fatalities among Filipinos abroad over the previous week. There are now 100 countries and territories with confirmed cases of COVID-19 among Filipinos abroad, following new reports from the Asia and the Pacific.

Compared to last week’s figures, the total number of COVID-19 fatalities, under treatment, and recoveries decreased by 0.23%, 0.77%, and 0.23%, respectively.

The DFA, together with its Foreign Service Posts, remains fully committed to monitoring and assisting our nationals abroad amid the pandemic.

08.09.21.OFs COVID Stat 1

08.09.21.OFs COVID Stat 2

08.09.21.OFs COVID Stat 3