21 November 2013 – The Department of Foreign Affairs-Office of the Undersecretary for International Economic Relations (DFA-OUIER) held the “Workshop on the Philippines and the Blue Economy: Towards the Future We Want” last November 14 to 16 at the Asian Institute of Management (AIM) Conference Center in Makati City.
The workshop brought together representatives from government, the private sector, academic institutions and other stakeholders to exchange views, share experiences and develop valuable substantive policy inputs, which will aid in crafting the Philippines’ national concept of the “Blue Economy” that is focused on food security, promoting sustainable marine development and management, and creating wealth-generating opportunities based on inclusive, oceans-based economic growth. Against the backdrop of an increasing population, the country’s rich coastal and marine resources, when harnessed sustainably, may provide viable solutions towards achieving food security and inclusive growth.
A Convenor’s Report, which contains recommendations including a potential blue print for the country’s agenda in the forthcoming hosting of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit in 2015, was drafted at the end of the workshop. END