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25 November 2014 – The Management Association of the Philippines (MAP) conferred on Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert F. del Rosario the “MAP Management Man of the Year 2014” in an awarding ceremony held on November 24 at The Peninsula Manila.

MAP conferred the prestigious award on the Secretary for raising the standards of economic diplomacy; for enhancing the country’s bilateral partnerships; for transforming the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) into a strong, professional, and highly competent organization; for restoring morale in the DFA by limiting the number of political appointees and recognizing merit in the career advancement process for foreign service personnel; for rationalizing Philippine presence overseas; and for proactively ensuring the safety and security of overseas Filipinos around the world.

MAP likewise cited Secretary Del Rosario’s “contribution to re-shaping national values by setting an example that Filipino professional managers can emulate through his track record of integrity, professional competence, and strong leadership in his management career in both public and private sectors.”

In his acceptance speech, Secretary Del Rosario said that he was truly honored to receive the award and that he was “particularly pleased with it because it has given the DFA the recognition that it warrants.”

The Secretary then expressed appreciation to the MAP, to the members of the diplomatic corps, and to Mr. Manuel V. Pangilinan, who nominated him for the award. Under MAP’s rules, only MAP members are eligible to submit nominations. Secretary Del Rosario also conveyed his deep gratitude to President Benigno S. Aquino III “for his guidance, his trust and his confidence.”


By the end of his speech, Secretary Del Rosario noted that “The bottom line is that our foreign policy will evolve. It will continue to evolve. It will be defined by our national government and, at the same time, by the ever-changing environment internationally.”  

 “And how do we posture the DFA? At all times, we are trying to be smarter. We are trying to be leaner. We are trying to be more innovative,” the Secretary concluded.

The Management Association of the Philippines is the country’s premier management organization whose members represent a cross-section of CEOs, COOs and other top management practitioners from the largest local and multinational companies operating in the Philippines.  MAP also counts top management educators and some government officials as its members. It promotes management excellence and continues to serve as a dynamic partner of business, government and civil society. For 2014, its theme is “MAPping a Future of Inclusive Growth with Good Governance.” END