Ambassador Kapunan Attends the Republic of the Union of Myanmar’s Commemorative Ceremony of the 50th Anniversary of ASEAN


 Top left: Heads of ASEAN Missions and Dialogue Partners pose with State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi (DASSK) and Myanmar Officials. Top right: State Counsellor DASSK delivers her opening remarks. Bottom left: Cultural Performers during the ASEAN 50th Anniversary Celebration. Bottom right: Prizewinners pose with State Counsellor DASSK and Myanmar Officials.

15 August 2017 YANGON – Ambassador Eduardo E. Kapunan, Jr., Madam Elsa A. Kapunan and Third Secretary and Vice Consul Stephanie Alexis A. Cruz attended the Commemorative Ceremony of the 50th Anniversary of ASEAN hosted by the government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar on August 14 in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar. State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi delivered the Opening Remarks where she reflected on how the ten (10) ASEAN member states have come together and formed a strong ASEAN grouping. She said that it is by fostering ASEAN Values and following the ASEAN Way that ASEAN has continued to thrive and prosper. The State Counsellor has called on the people’s support to ensure the viability of an ASEAN community.

During the ceremony, prizes were awarded to winners of various competitions such as painting and traditional ASEAN dance competitions done in the spirit of celebrating the 50th Anniversary of ASEAN. There were also performances of ASEAN dances and songs arranged by the Ministry of Arts and Culture in honor of the 50th Anniversary of ASEAN. END

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