ASEAN Ankara Committee (AAC) Opens ASEAN@50 Photo Exhibit at the National Library of Turkey

Ankara Photo Exhibit 1

Ambassador and current Chair of the AAC, H.E. Maria Rowena Mendoza Sanchez (5th from left) and Ambassador Ersin Ercin of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as Guest of Honor (6th from left) leads the ribbon cutting ceremony for the opening of the ASEAN Exhibit at the exhibit hall of the National Library of Turkey on 13 September 2017. They are joined by the ASEAN Heads of Missions from Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam as well as Ambassadors of China and New Zealand as ASEAN Dialogue Partners. (Photo credits: Mr. Francis Villamin)

18 September 2017 – The opening of the ASEAN Photo Exhibition was led by the Philippines, as chair of the ASEAN Ankara Committee. The exhibit, which was adapted from the project of the ASEAN Geneva Committee, is a showcase of photographs that features ASEAN’s history, its milestones, a collection of country profiles of each of the ten ASEAN member states, as well as ASEAN’s rich biodiversity and people. The AAC added a panel on Turkey's acceptance as Sectoral Dialogue Partner this year and Asean-Turkey Relations, as an important milestone in ASEAN's history.

Philippine Ambassador and current Chair of the AAC, H.E. Maria Rowena Mendoza Sanchez in her statement said that “through this exhibition, the ASEAN Ankara Committee (AAC) aims to enhance understanding about the region for the benefit of the greater Turkish community. And there is no better venue to promote a greater appreciation of ASEAN than in Turkey’s very own National Library.”

Turkish Foreign Ministry Ambassador Ersin Ercin on the other hand, congratulated the ASEAN for its 50th Anniversary. He also said that “ASEAN and Turkey should continue to work together to raise awareness about ASEAN in the Turkish public opinion and to promote cultural dimension of ASEAN in Turkey.”

The ASEAN Exhibit will run from 13 to 20 September 2017 at the National Library. END

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