Paskuhan with ‘Au Pairs’ and the Filipino Catholic Community in The Hague
04 January 2018 THE HAGUE – The Philippine Embassy in The Hague joined the Filipino Catholic Community in The Hague (FCC-The Hague) and Filipinos under the PH-Dutch cultural program, “au pairs” in their yearly traditional celebration of the Christmas season, respectively on 23 and 17 December 2017. Breda-based Filipino priest, Fr. Gilbert Fortes (center, shirt with stripes) celebrated the Holy Mass that preceded the “au pairs’’’ holiday evening of fun, sharing and dancing in a truly ‘Pinoy’ spirit of togetherness with one another being away from their loved ones and families. FCC-The Hague shared the season’s blessings with a local Dutchman distributing gifts to children and tables-full of dishes, a feast for everyone’s delight.
(Photo courtesy of Zita van Beusekom)
Children of Filipino and Filipino -Dutch families and their gifts from Santa Claus
(photo courtesy of Liza Yepes, The Hague PE)