119th PHL Independence Day Celebrated in Moscow
Philippine Ambassador to Russia Carlos D. Sorreta with the Philippine Embassy Cultural Performers at the 119th Anniversary of the Declaration of Philippine Independence held at the Philippine Embassy in Moscow on June 11, 2017. (Photos by S. Pamocol/C. Narvaez)
29 June 2017 MOSCOW — Over 500 guests gathered for the joint celebration of Philippine Embassy in Moscow and the Filipino community in Russia of the 119th Anniversary of the Declaration of Philippine Independence in Russia on June 11.
“One of the changes where Filipinos can work together is to support the government’s efforts to strengthen relations with Russia… However, one thing that will not change is the commitment of the Philippine Embassy in Moscow to do all it can to promote the safety and welfare of Filipinos in Russia and the countries under its jurisdiction,” said Philippine Ambassador to Russia, Carlos D. Sorreta, in reference to this year’s theme, “Pagbabagong Sama-samang Balikatin.”
President Duterte’s Independence Day Message was read during the event.
More photos of the celebrations can be found in Philembassy Moscow (@moscowpe) on Facebook. END
Members of the Philippine Embassy Cultural Performing Group and other talented volunteers perform during the Independence Day celebrations. (Photos by S. Pamocol/C. Narvaez)
Top left photo: Visitors write on the dedication wall. Top right photo: A friendly balloon game; Bottom photo: The colorful welcome arch in the style of a Pinoy fiesta was a popular backdrop for “selfies” and “groufies” (photos by S. Pamocol/C. Narvaez).