PH Consulate General in Calgary Hosts Reception for 121st Anniv of PH Independence, 70th Anniv of PH-Canada Diplomatic Relations


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 Consul General to Calgary Gilberto Asuque during his speech in commemorationof the 121st Anniversary of the Proclamation of Philippine Independence. (Calgary PE photo)


ALBERTA 22 June 2019 — The Philippine Consulate General in Calgary, led by Consul General Gilberto Asuque, celebrates the 121st Anniversary of the Proclamation of Philippine Independence with a reception on 12 June 2019 at the Calgary Petroleum Club. The event also commemorated the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Philippines and Canada.

The reception was a first for the Consulate General, which opened in February 2016.

Addressing about 200 guests from the local government, consular corps, leaders of the Filipino community, the academe, and the business community, Consul General Asuque quoted from the Independence Day message of President Rodrigo Duterte that the path to independence was not without cost as it was “nourished by the sweat and blood of our patriots, heroes and martyrs.”  The challenges faced by our forefathers emphasized the Filipino’s determination and sacrifice that led to the freedoms that we enjoy today, the Consul General added.  

Consul General Asuque also recognized the contribution of the more than 950,000 Filipinos in Canada to the richness of Canadian culture and economy.

Such contribution was also recognized in 2018 when the Government of Alberta and the federal government of Canada designated the month of June as “Philippine Heritage Month”. One such event was the flag-raising ceremony organized by the Council and Assembly of Filipino Federations and Associations (CAFFA) at the Calgary City Hall also on 12 June 2019.

In his remarks at the reception, Consul General Asuque mentioned that after 70 years of friendship, the Philippines and Canada welcome the challenge of further strengthening and moving forward the bilateral relations.

He also acknowledged the tireless efforts of personnel of the Philippine foreign service in working towards this end, as well as in providing consular services to Filipinos abroad including the over 175,000 Filipinos in the Province of Alberta with the over 75,000 Filipinos in Calgary and the over 33,000 Filipinos in the Province of Saskatchewan.  The two provinces comprise the Consulate General’s consular jurisdiction.

The reception also featured an exhibition of Philippine tourist destinations, while tourism videos projected on the main screen before and after the program showed guests the many beautiful attractions in the country. END



The Philippine Consulate General in Calgary, led by Consul General Asuque, joins the Filipino community’s flag-raising ceremony at the Calgary City Hall. (Calgary PE photo)



Consul General to Calgary Gilberto Asuque during the cutting of cake in commemoration of the 121st Anniversary of the Proclamation of Philippine Independence. (Calgary PE photo)


Calgary.Independence.Anniv.4.jpg                 Officers and the staff of the Philippine Consulate General in Calgary pose for a photo during the celebration of the the 121st Anniversary of the Proclamation of Philippine Independence. (Calgary PE photo)


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