28 July 2016 - The Philippine delegation, represented by Ambassador to Korea Raul S. Hernandez, attended the first day of the ASEM Eurasia Expert Group Meeting on Transport and Logistics held on July 11 in the Lotte Hotel in central Seoul.
Korea’s Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT) Kang Ho-in and Mr. Chang Woon Lee, President of the Korea Transport Institute, welcomed the participants to the two-day event, which was a follow-up to the ASEM Symposium on Eurasia Transport and Logistics the Korean government hosted in Seoul on September 09 to 10, 2015.
Ambassador Hernandez was accompanied by Third Secretary and Vice Consul Ms. Lyza Maria S. Viejo, political officer of the Philippine Embassy in Seoul.
Experts, leaders, and government officials on the transportation and logistics sector all over the world were invited to speak during the meeting. The speakers represented various organizations active in fostering and enhancing connectivity between different countries and regions.
The speakers, who included representatives from China Academy of Transportation Sciences (CATS), East West Transport Corridor Association (EWTCA), Greater Tumen Initiative (GTI), International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), International Road Transport Union (IRU), Organization for Cooperation of Railways (OSJD), discussed the various challenges and opportunities their organizations face towards greater connectivity.
Government officials from the transport ministries of Bulgaria, Malaysia, Pakistan, and South Korea also shared their respective governments’ knowledge and experiences on transport and logistics.
The Korean Government hosted the meeting to promote and encourage the conduct of joint research on sustainable international cooperation in establishing a Eurasian Transport and Logistics Network. It also aims to lay the foundation for further discussions on how to build a network to strengthen Asia-Europe connectivity. END