28 July 2016- The book “Concurso de Ensayos ANSEA, Compilacion de Ensayos Galardonados 2013-2014” was launched in Buenos Aires, Argentina on July 14. The book is a  compilation of  essays which won during an ASEAN essay writing contest in 2013 to 2014 organized by the five ASEAN embassies in Argentina (Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam) in collaboration with  the Universidad Nacional de la Plata,  Universidad del Salvador, Universidad Catholica de Cordoba,  Universidad Siglo 21, Universidad Catolica de Salta, Universidad Catolica de Uruguay, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Universidad AbiertaInteramericana and the Latin American Association of Asian and African Studies of Argentina.

The book was edited by Professor Ezequiel Ramoneda through the Institute of International Relations of the National University of La Plata. The publication was made possible through the sponsorship of the Argentine Ministry of Education.

Professor Ramoneda and the Chair of the ASEAN Group in Argentina, Ambassador Nguyen Dinh Thao of Vietnamspoke during the launching where they cited the book as an important contribution to creating more awareness of ASEAN in Argentina. END