Abu Dhabi Gulf Law

01 August 2016 – In cooperation with the Philippine Embassy in Abu Dhabi, Gulf Law Consultancy conducted a “Free Legal Aid and Seminar on Employment Laws in the UAE” on July 23 at the Embassy premises.

Third Secretary and Vice Consul Rowena Pangilinan-Daquipil, Head of the Assistance-to-Nationals section of the Embassy, welcomed participants to the seminar. She thanked Atty. Barney Almazar and his team for the continued support and regular conduct of said activity in order to increase awareness on legal matters and address common problems encountered by the Filipino community in the UAE.

Atty. Barney Almazar, Director at the Corporate Commercial Department of Gulf Law in the Middle East, Philippines and United Kingdom, led the talks and discussions on various topics such as rights of employees, limited and unlimited contracts, employment benefits, abusive employment practices, labor case, labor ban, gratuity pay, resignation/termination, and related issues.

Certificates of participation were awarded to attendees at the end of the seminar.

Dubai-based Gulf Law has partnered with the Philippine Embassy in Abu Dhabi and the Philippine Consulate General in Dubai in conducting a series of free legal aid and seminars for the benefit of the Filipino community in the UAE.  For more information, please visit their website at or call telephone no. +971 4 4492076. END

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