
10 August 2016 Ambassadors from countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) with embassies in Warsaw met with Poland’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Witold Waszczykowski and other key foreign ministry officials on August 05. The said ASEAN ambassadors comprise the ASEAN Committee in Warsaw (ACW).

The meeting focused on the potentials and challenges toward reinvigorating ASEAN-Poland relations.Other issues of regional as well as bilateral concern for each of the ASEAN member-states represented in the meeting were also discussed.

Among the ASEAN member-states that were represented during the meeting were Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand and Viet Nam.

Minister Waszczykowski said that Poland’s priority in Southeast Asia is to expand the range of and increase the level of its trade which, at present, is estimated to be only around US$ 7 billion. He also reiterated his earlier announcement that Poland will reopen its embassy in the Philippines as well as in Mongolia and open a trade office in Ho Chi Minh City. The Foreign Minister also briefed the ACW envoys about the recently-concluded NATO Summit held in Warsaw.

Regarding the Award of the Arbitral Tribunal pertaining to the South China Sea/West Philippine Sea  issue, Minister Waszczykowski stressed that the rule of law is very important for Poland.

He said that as a member of the European Union (EU), Poland’s position is articulated in the EU Statement on the subject which states that it “acknowledge(s) the Award rendered by the Arbitral Tribunal, being committed to maintaining a legal order of the seas and oceans based upon the principles of international law, UNCLOS, and to the peaceful settlement of disputes.”

According to him, the said statement says that the EU “recalls that the dispute settlement mechanisms as provided under UNCLOS contribute to the maintenance and furthering of the international order based upon the Rule of Law and are essential to settle disputes.”

Philippine Ambassador to Poland Patricia Ann V. Paez informed him about the celebration of ASEAN’s 50thor golden anniversary and the Philippines’ Chairmanship of the regional organization in 2017 and stressed that the economies of ASEAN are the fastest growing in the world.

Ambassador Paez also cited a McKinsey report which said that the incidence of poverty in ASEAN has been reduced to only about 4% and that the middle class is growing. She expressed deep appreciation for Poland’s decision to reopen its embassy in Manila and cited cooperation in the field of agriculture as one of the Philippines’ priorities in its bilateral engagement with Poland.

She added that Poland domestically produces a lot of products, including state-of-the-art technologies which ASEAN countries need. The Ambassador also congratulated Poland for its successful hosting of the NATO Summit and the World Youth Day.           

ACW Chair Indonesia’s Ambassador Peter Frans Gontha shared some outstanding key facts about ASEAN such as its being the 3rdlargest market in Asia; the 7thlargest economy in the world; and its population of 622 million, 53% of whom are below 30 years old.

Thailand’s Ambassador Manasvi Srisodapol spoke about Poland’s “branding;” the forthcoming visit of a high level Thai delegation to Warsaw; and the formation of the Thailand-Poland Parliamentary Group. Viet Nam’s Ambassador Pham Kien Thet raised the status of the 35,000-strong Vietnamese community in Poland and the decision of the Arbitral Tribunal regarding the SCS/WPS.

Other key officials of Poland’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs who were present during the meeting were: Vice Minister Joanna Wronecka, Director of the Asia-Pacific Department Mrs. Beata Stoczynska,  Director of  Director of the United Nations and Human Rights Department Z. Czech; Director of the Economic Cooperation Department Mr. M. Falkowski; Director of the EU Economic Department Mr. M. Kwasowski; Head of the Office of the MinisterM. Kopec; Specialist Mr. D. Malek; and staff of the Asia Pacific Department Ms. Judyta Bozym.

The following represented the ACW side: Indonesia’s Minister Counsellor Mr. Bambang Prihartadi; Philippines’ Second Secretary and Consul Mr. Randy Arquiza; Thailand’s First Secretary Mr. Korakoj Rimchala; and Vietnam’s Third Secretary Mr. Trinh Quan. END
