01 September 2016 — “Yesterday was a milestone in the history of the Philippines as a nation, and of Filipinos as a people. And we are gathered to commemorate a historic and momentous dinner that took place in this city, at a hotel not too far from here, one hundred years ago last night,” said Minister Patrick A. Chuasoto, Charge d’Affaires ad interim of the Philippine Embassy in Washington, D.C., at the Romulo Hall of the Embassy on August 30.

The Embassy hosted a dinner in commemoration of the centennial of the Philippine Autonomy Act of 1916 or the Jones Law. The dinner which replicated a similar one attended by then Philippine High Commissioner Manuel L. Quezon on August 29, 1916 at the New Willard Hotel in Washington, D.C on August 29, 1916. The said event was hosted in cooperation with the US-Philippines Society.

The Jones Law, named after its proponent—Congressman William Jones of Virginia—laid down the framework for a more autonomous government, preparatory to the grant of independence to the Philippines by the United States.

Through this law, the Philippines saw the creation of a bicameral legislature, the introduction of a representative electoral process, and the recognition of the fundamental civil and political rights of persons living within the bounds of the Philippine Islands.

Georgetown Univerity School of Foreign Service professor Erwin Tiongson and his wife, Titchie Carandang-Tiongson discussed the historical significance of the Jones Law and the 1916 Banquet at the New Willard Hotel over dinner.

The husband-and-wife tandem spearheaded the ongoing project Philippines on the Potomac.Both researchers have tirelessly committed themselves to helping Filipinos and Filipino-Americans better understand the Philippines-US alliance, partnership and friendship.

“It is fitting that one of the more lasting memorials to William Jones is a bridge (in Manila). Fitting because what was the Bridge of Spain was renamed in 1916 in honor of the person who best represented the bridge between the US Government and the Filipino People. Fitting because Congressman Jones best represents the bridge between America’s global responsibility and its essential commitment to human liberty and self-determination everywhere. Fitting because Congressman Jones is the bridge that once again brings together Filipinos and Americans at dinner tonight, just as he did a century ago,” Prof. Tiongson said as he ended his presentation.

Deputy Assistant Secretary of State W. Patrick Murphy represented the US Government during the gathering.  He emphasized the importance of the bilateral relationship between the Philippines and the United States.

Among the evening’s guests were two great-granddaughters of Congressman Jones, Elizabeth and Anne, and Elizabeth’s own daughter, Marjorie Boehlert. In her after-dinner remarks, Elizabeth Hart Jones noted that the Congressman’s work on the Philippine Autonomy Act did not only take a great toll on his health, but also required a great deal of moral courage.

“At that age of empire building, it was a radical idea to let go of a treasured territory like the Philippine Islands. However, Congressman Jones had a profound belief that the United States had a more important mandate to promote freedom around the world,” said Ms. Jones. 

“Congressman Jones celebrated one hundred years ago right here in this city at a dinner very much like this one the fruition of many years of hard work that he undertook along with the great Filipino leader, Manuel L. Quezon. But the Bill was only the beginning of freedom for the Philippines, and of fervent friendship between our two countries,” she added.

Ambassador John Maisto, President of the US-Philippines Society, closed the evening by recalling the legacy of democracy and representative government that was bequeathed to the Philippines by the efforts of Congressman Jones and others like him.

The Jones Law Centennial Dinner is part of the series of activities organized by the Philippine Embassy to celebrate the 70th year anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Philippines and the United States. END