Jeddah 1st anniv1

05 September 2016 — Philippine Consul General in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Hon. Imelda M. Panolong, attended the OFW Council of Leaders’ (OCL) 1st Anniversary Celebration on August 13. She was joined by Consul Rodney Jonas L. Sumague, Vice Consul Alexander Joseph Estomo and some invited Consulate personnel. Also invited as the Guest Speaker for the occasion was ACTS OFW Party-List Representative Hon. Aniceto “John” Bertiz III, who was a former OFW turned advocate for the rights and welfare of OFWs.

During her inspirational message, Consul General Panolong welcomed Rep. Bertiz and expressed her thanks to OCL for inviting the Consulate General and making it a part of the celebration. She likewise congratulated OCL for one very colorful, very meaningful and successful year for the group. She noted that OCL has played a significant role in garnering a lot of votes for the ACTS-OFW Partylist, enabling it to get a seat for Rep. Bertiz in the Congress to represent the interest and welfare of overseas Filipino workers. 

In closing, Consul General Panolong also expressed her appreciation to the OCL for being a staunch supporter and partner of the Consulate General, which always welcomes OCL’s open-minded disposition to work together with the Consulate and other Philippine Government agencies as stated in its vision, which is to become a catalyst of unity and play an active role in uplifting the condition of OFWs worldwide. Consul General Panolong further said that the Consulate acknowledges that with the partnership of groups like OCL, the burden of carrying its tasks and mandate becomes easier to bear and much easier to accomplish.

The OFW Council of Leaders (OCL) of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia is the local umbrella body of Filipino community organizations in Jeddah and surrounding key cities in the Western Region of Saudi Arabia. It also serves as the facilitator for better relations among Filipinos, official representatives of the Philippine Government, and the private sector. The OCL has now grown into a big coalition of various organizations with 58 constituent members. END.

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