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13 September 2016 — The Philippine Embassy in Ankara held its 3rd Strategic Planning and Consular Services Workshop at the Embassy on September 08. Among those present were Consuls General Sukru Diyab (Mersin), Ender Yorgancillar (Izmir), and Consul Tamer Kabalcioğlu (Gazientep), while Mr. Teimuraz Chichinadze, Philippine Honorary Consul to Tbilisi, Georgia participated via live teleconference.

Ambassador Maria Rowena Mendoza Sanchez, in her opening remarks, warmly welcomed the Honorary Consuls back to Ankara and emphasized that the event was an occasion for everyone to share their accomplishments as well as to develop a new work plan for the next 3 years under the Duterte Administration for Turkey, Azerbaijan and Georgia (TAG).

During the workshop, the Honorary Consuls presented their accomplishments for the period 2014 to 2016. Among the topics discussed were the overview of Philippines-Turkey Bilateral Relations and the Embassy’s accomplishments since the 2nd Strategic Planning, accomplishments of the previous administration, transition in the Philippine government and introduction of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte, his plans for the Philippines as highlighted in his Inaugural Address and the 1st State of the National Address (SONA), and accomplishments of the present Administration in its first 50 days.

During the working lunch session, the Embassy awarded loyalty pins in recognition of their years of service to Honorary Consul General Mr. Sukru Diyab (15 years), Mr. Roberto B. Verzosa (40 years) and Ms. Nadjefah Mangondaya (25 years).

In the afternoon session, the workshop continued with its presentations and discussions on the harmonization of consular forms, Assistance to Filipino Nationals, Anti-Human Trafficking activities, the Philippine Embassy Contingency Plan, and other administrative and fiscal issues.

The Honorary Consuls also reaffirmed their commitment to support Philippine foreign policy and its implementation.

One of the projects discussed focused on bringing journalists and popular Turkish and Georgian celebrities to the Philippines for a familiarization tour and to promote Philippine tourism. In line with this, the Embassy in consultation with the Honorary Consuls, plans to suggest to The Union of Chambers and Commodity of Turkey (TOBB) to include the cities of Mersin, Adana, Izmir, Gaziantep in the upcoming ASEAN-TOBB Road Show; and screening of films produced by ASEAN countries including the Philippines in the TAG during the 50th Anniversary of ASEAN in 2017. The Honorary Consuls also committed to be more active in dealing with human trafficking incidents involving Filipino nationals in their areas of jurisdiction, as well as providing consular authentication and visa issuance services. END

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