29 September 2016 –  The Philippine-German folklore group Damayan recently celebrated its 25th anniversary in Osnabrück, Germany through an evening of folklore and dance under the theme “Pista sa Nayon.”  

“We want to celebrate our jubilee year by allowing our guests to experience true Filipino culture,” remarked Elizabeth Tiemann, Chairperson of the Damayan Philippinische-Deutsche Folkloregruppe e.V.

In his welcome speech, Mr. Jens Martin of the SPD Party in the Osnabrück city council expressed his admiration for the dance group, saying that he has heard so much positive news about the group.

“Upon hearing such stories, I think: this is how integration should work. This is why I am grateful for the commitment of the association in the past 25 years,” he said.

Minister and Consul Adrian Cruz, who represented the Philippine Embassy in Berlin, expressed his heartfelt congratulations to the group in the celebration of its silver jubilee.  In the spirit of damayan or cooperation, he also encouraged the group to partner with the Philippine Embassy in its conduct of mobile outreach missions and dialogues with Filipinos living in Lower Saxony, and even with those who have already become naturalized German citizens. 

Damayan is currently looking for new members – interested Filipinos and Germans alike – who wish to learn about Philippine culture through indigenous dances.  Damayan also engages in various charitable activities, which include the sponsoring charitable institutions for children with leukemia and providing financial contribution for the reconstruction of houses devastated by Typhoon Haiyan in 2014.  The proceeds of their recent event will be given to Nehemia Christliches Hilfswerk e.V. for its relief operations benefiting the orphaned children in Apayao, Northern Philippines.  END