07 October 2016 — Nine-hundred eleven (911) Filipinos in the United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.) and other Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) took the Special Professional Licensure Board Examinations (SPLBE) from September 14 to 16 at the Philippine Global School in Abu Dhabi. 

Regional Director Reynaldo Cristobal led the nine-member Philippine Regulation Commission (PRC) team for Abu Dhabi who conducted the SPLBE for Architects, Certified Public Accountants, Civil Engineers, Dentists, Electronics Engineers, Electronics Technicians, Environmental Planners, Master Plumbers, Mechanical Engineers, Nurses, Professional Teachers, Radiologic Technologists, Registered Electrical Engineers, Registered Master Electricians, Respiratory Therapists and    X-ray Technicians.

Prior to the examinations, the Philippine Regulation Commission (PRC) sent a team to Abu Dhabi to conduct a two-day screening and evaluation of documents submitted by the applicants for SPLBE at the Philippine Overseas Labor Office (POLO)  on September 09 and 10.

The PRC Abu Dhabi Team also met with Philippine Ambassador to the U.A.E. Constancio R. Vingno, Jr., Labor Attaché Ophelia Almenario, and other officials of POLO/OWWA, the lead partner agency for the SPLBE.

As in previous years, the 2016 edition of the SPLBE was organized in cooperation with the Philippine Professional Organization (PPO)–U.A.E. (formerly Filipino Professionals Group Abu Dhabi).

The Embassy and POLO/OWWA expressed its gratitude to the PPO–U.A.E. under the leadership of its current Chairman, Engr. Epifanio Raquinio, Jr., and to the Philippine Global School, led by Managing Directress Leticia Maniaul and Principal Lizabeth Comia, for their support which led to the successful conduct of the licensure exams in Abu Dhabi.  END