07 October 2016 — Filipino business owners, managers and executives of various companies based in Cambodia gathered together at the new Philippine Chancery on 28 September 28 in a networking event organized by the Philippine Embassy. About 30 Filipino businessmen and executives in the fields of business consultancy, oil and petroleum, fashion, logistics, hotel and restaurant, real estate, pharmaceuticals and food and beverage attended the networking session. This is the first such event to be organized by the Embassy as part of its stakeholder's engagement initiatives. 

In his welcome remarks, Ambassador Christopher B. Montero noted the increasing interest of Philippine companies to establish a presence in Cambodia owing to the country's potential as an emerging market for Philippine goods and services, and the importance of engaging and mobilizing a business network to promote Philippine economic interests in Cambodia. “We expect the number of Philippine companies in Cambodia to grow in the coming years, especially in light of the ASEAN economic integration," Ambassador Montero said. "Together with the sizeable number of Filipinos who are in the top management of multinational corporations based in Cambodia, we hope to count on your expertise and experience in assisting Philippine companies interested in doing business in Cambodia, and in expanding the presence and profile of Filipino companies in this country," Ambassador Montero added.    

The Embassy shared with the attendees its Economic Diplomacy Roadmap 2016, which outlines the goals, strategies, activities, and programs for promoting Philippine trade, investment and tourism in Cambodia, as well as a proposal to establish a Network of Philippine Executives and Business Owners in Cambodia. The network is envisioned to be a platform for interaction and collaboration, information exchange and sharing of best practices on doing business in Cambodia, and serve as active partners of the Embassy in the overall promotion of the economic interests of the Philippines, including the welfare and good image of Filipinos in Cambodia.

The participants praised the initiative of the Embassy to increase its engagement with Filipino-owned and operated businesses in Cambodia, and committed to support the Embassy in the conduct of its economic diplomacy activities. END