07 October 2016 – Deputy Speaker of the Philippine House of Representatives, Rep. Raneo Abu, led the Philippine Delegation to the 37th General Assembly of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) held from September 29 to October 03 in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar.
At the opening ceremony, State Counsellor and Foreign Minister Daw Aung San Suu Kyi said that her government is focusing on national reconciliation and harmony while striving to achieve sustainable economic development.
“This is the 6th AIPA in which Myanmar has participated following the re-establishment of the Parliament in 2011 after a long hiatus,” she stressed. She underscored the complexity of the challenge ahead due to a legacy of decades of mistrust and the many diverse ethnic groups. She then cited some of the priorities of her government. “Through the hard work of our government and our people, and the support and collaboration of our friends in the region, we have an unprecedented opportunity to build a better future,” she enthused.
At the closing ceremony, the chairmanship was turned over to the Philippines by the Speaker of Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (Union Parliament of Myanmar), Manh Winn Khaing Thann. Rep. Abu said that the success of the 37th General Assembly constitutes yet another milestone in the continuing work of AIPA. This, he said, should embolden ASEAN parliamentarians to move forward with greater resolve in enabling Parliaments to work closer together in promoting, cooperation and understanding.
“We are delighted to accept, on behalf of our Speaker, Pantaleon D. Alvarez, the Presidency of the 38th AIPA General Assembly, which coincides with ASEAN’s 50th founding anniversary with our theme AIPA and ASEAN: Partnering for Inclusive Change,” he declared.
The 16-member Philippine Delegation also included Rep. Linabelle Ruth Villarica, Rep. Rose Marie Arenas, Rep. Dakila Carlo Cua, Rep. Rodel Batocabe, Rep. Lorna Silverio, Secretary General Cesar Pareja, and Deputy Secretary General Arlene Dada-Arnaldo. The Philippine Embassy in Yangon, led by Philippine Ambassador to Myanmar Alex G. Chua, provided support to the visiting delegation.
Apart from the plenary sessions and simultaneous committee meetings on political matters, economic matters, social matters, committee on women, committee on organizational matters, and committee on joint communiqué, the delegation also traveled to the Myanmar Parliament to meet with the some of the members of the Philippines-Myanmar Inter-Parliamentary Association led by U Myo Htup from Chin State and Dr. Khin Ma Gyi from Kachin State, members of the Amyotha Hluttaw (Upper House). They conveyed interest in the plan to amend the Philippine Constitution to pave the way for a federal system as this, they said, is also the aspiration of many ethnic groups in Myanmar. They also expressed admiration for the resolve of the new Philippine President against illegal drugs. END