Statement of Secretary Perfecto R. Yasay, Jr.*


In building on the economic pillar of our foreign relations, we must recognize that all nations - whether weak or strong, small or big - will be interdependent with each other. The distribution of capital and resources, products and markets around the globe will always have a compelling effect upon such interdependence. This is how every country will make their economy dynamic, robust and sustainable for the welfare of its people.

Our relationships toward this convergence of interests must be balanced and fair to be mutually beneficial to all concerned.

The overriding consideration for making change a reality under the Duterte Administration is to protect and promote the national interests in promoting friendship with all nations.

We will never allow any bullying to make us submit to the interest of any other nation. Henceforth, we will reject any aid, assistance or opportunities for joint cooperation from anyone under onerous conditions or offered pursuant to a 'carrot and stick' policy.

Furthermore, our military alliance must enable the Philippines to be self-reliant in adequately dealing with the internal and external threats to its security

Even as we will respect and keep our mutual defense treaty with the U.S. as our safeguard against any risk or menace from external aggression that undermine our territorial integrity, sovereignty rights and maritime entitlements under international law, this important alliance cannot be carried out to perpetuate our dependency thereby making us vulnerable to subservience. We will also not hesitate to terminate our international agreements, when the national interest will no longer be served. END

as posted in his personal Facebook page