10 October 2016 —Philippine Embassy Chargé d’affaires, Mr. Marcos Punsalang, together with heads of the ASEAN Committee in Santiago (ACS) Ambassador Philemon Arobaya of Indonesia, Ambassador Dato’ Dr. Mohamad Rameez Yahaya of Malaysia, Ambassador Saroj Thanasunti of Thailand, and Ambassador Ngo Duc Thang of Viet Nam, called on the President of the Chamber of Deputies of Chile, Honorable Osvaldo Andrade on October 03.
The Hon. Osvaldo Andrade, President of the Chamber of Deputies, expressed appreciation to the ACS for the call and mentioned the existing Inter-Parliamentary Friendship Group in the Chilean Congress that seeks to establish links bilaterally with each ACS Member.
The Philippines expressed support for the proposal, urging the need to for the ASEAN parliamentarians to forge networks and share experiences with counterparts beyond those from ASEAN and Asia.
Both groups will work towards the establishment of the proposed ASEAN – Chile Inter-Parliamentary Group proposed by Mr. Andrade. END