17 October 2016 – The Philippine Embassy in Prague led by Ambassador Victoriano M. Lecaros and joined by First Secretary and Consul Juan E. Dayang, Jr. and Commercial Counselor Ms. Althea Karen Antonio of the Philippine Trade and Investment Center in Berlin, Germany went to Brno, Czechia for the Business Seminar” ASEAN-your opportunities in Southeast Asia on October 05.

A separate workshop on business opportunities in the Philippines was held at the Brno Chamber of Commerece Exhibition Building on October 06.

Ambassador Lecaros gave a talk on market opportunities in the Philippines, along with four other ASEAN Embassies represented by their Ambassadors and representatives from Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam. 

The seminar was jointly organized by the ASEAN Committee in Prague (ACP) and the Brno Regional Chamber of Commerce represented by its CEO, Mr. Cenek Absolon.   Among those who represented the Czech government were Mr. Marek LibÅ™ický, Director of the Department of Asia and the Pacific and Mr. Marek Svoboda, Acting Director of Economic Diplomacy Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Both of them gave a talk on business opportunities for Czech industries in ASEAN.

After the ASEAN Business Seminar, the Philippine Embassy in partnership with the Philippine Chamber for Czech Republic and Slovakia led the workshop on Business Opportunities in the Philippines. Philippine Commercial Counselor Althea Karen Antonio, based in Berlin, Germany, gave a presentation related to opportunities for investment in the Philippines while Ing. BÅ™etislav Skácel and Ing. David Zamrzala, Managing Director of the newly organized Philippine Chamber for the Czech Republic and Slovakia spoke of their experience in doing business in the Philippines.

Ambassador Lecaros, assisted by First Secretary and Consul Juan E. Dayang, Jr., Post’s Economic Officer, met with various participants to provide information on the services provided by the Philippine Embassy to assist potential commercial transactions. 

The Embassy also served mango juice, dried mangoes, and Filipino snacks to the delight of more than 20 workshop participants. END