Beirut celebration with Filcom

21 October 2013 – Philippine Ambassador to Lebanon Leah M. Basinang-Ruiz and the Philippine Embassy’s Cultural Officer/Filipino Community Coordinator Gladys Perey attended the 10th Anniversary Celebration of The Open Door Christian Fellowship Full Gospel – Church of God, one of the oldest Christian Groups organized by Filipino migrants in Lebanon.  The celebration was held at the Life Center in Bourj Hammoud in Metn on  October 13.

About 200 group members and guests present offered prayers, rendered songs and watched the performance of a musical play in honor of the occasion. Other Christian groups, whose members are mostly Filipino migrants, also joined the celebration.

At the end of the presentations, Cultural Officer Perey took the opportunity to inform the Filipino community of various initiatives and projects that will take place during the fourth quarter of the year 2013 in order to promote friendly relations and cooperation between the Philippines and Lebanon and to advance the interests of Filipinos living and working in various parts of the country. The group was invited to attend Embassy-organized activities for the Filipino community in December and was also exhorted to provide a list of names and contact numbers of its officers and members as part of the Embassy’s continuous updating of its database of Filipino community organizations in Lebanon. END