28 October 2016 — Continuing with the series of courtesy calls on top government officials of Brazil organized by the Philippine Embassy, the ASEAN Committee in Brasilia (ACB) visited Senator Aloysio Nunes Ferreira, Jr., Chairman of the Senate Committee on External Relations and National Defense, at the Federal Senate on October 18.
Senator Nunes expressed his gladness in receiving the ACB Heads of Mission inasmuch as the visit is a reflection of the Ambassadors` perception that Brazil is now ready to engage more countries. It is also significant because Brazil is undergoing political transition and economic changes. The Senator said that Brazil`s foreign policy is now geared towards economic growth.
During the courtesy call, Philippine Ambassador to Brazil Jose D.R. Burgos highlighted the historical ties between Brazil and the Philippines including the 70 years of diplomatic relations between the two countries. Brazil remains to be the Philippines’ top trading partner in South America. Brazil has been a model for the Philippines in social and poverty alleviation programs such as bolsa familia. He also reiterated the suggestion by the ACB that Brazilian officials visit ASEAN to feel the warmth and hospitality of its people.
Senator Nunes remarked that Brazil and the Philippines were under the same king for 60 years, underlining the special and shared historical narrative of the two countries. He also added “good food” as among the reasons to visit ASEAN. END