04 November 2016 — The Philippine Embassy in Riyadh has shown its support to the achievements of the following Philippine Professional Organizations (PPO) activities:
ASEAN Engineer Accreditation
On September 02 and 03, officials from the Philippine Technological Council (PTC) and ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organizations (AFEO) namely Engineer Federico A. Monsada - PTC President and AFEO Chairman, Engineer Romulo R. Agatep and Engineer Trese Bustamante, interviewed 52 engineers from various fields (Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics and Civil) who applied for accreditation as an ASEAN Engineer. As an Accredited ASEAN Engineer, his professional qualifications will be recognized among the members of the Association of South East Asian Nations, providing him with opportunities to practice his profession beyond the Philippines.
Oath Taking of New Professional Electronics Engineers
Nine Professional Electronics Engineers (PECE) who passed in the recently held Special Professional Licensure Board Examination (SPLBE) in September took their Oaths or “Panunumpa ng Propesyonal” before First Secretary and Consul General Iric C. Arribas, Charge d’ Affaires, a.i. on October 26.
The new Professional Electronics Engineers are: Romeo David Jr., Michael Feliciano, Edwin Ricohermoso, Armando Baldos, Rodel Pauya, Emmanuel Cerdan, Rigel Pelayo, Arnold Salcedo, Aquilino Delfin Jr.
According to the Professional Regulations Commission, the practice of Electronics Engineering has three categories of practice: Professional Electronics Engineer (PECE), the registered Electronics Engineer (ECE) and the Electronics Technician (ECT). Though ECEs are not prevented from rendering design work and providing or assuming supervisory role in electronics work, only PECEs are allowed to sign and seal plans, drawings and permits.
Photo Exhibit of the United Architects of the Philippines, Saudi Arabia Chapter
In line with the celebration of the World Architecture Day 2016 on October 03, the United Architects of the Philippines – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Chapter (UAP-KSA) held an Exhibit of the various architectural works made by Filipino Architects based in the Kingdom held at the Philippine Embassy lobby from October 02 to October 13.
This year’s theme, “Design a Better World”, UAP-KSA Chapter President, Mr. Rolando A. Manuel, spearheaded the week-long celebration which started with the opening of the exhibit on October 02 followed by the 4th General Membership Meeting and Celebration of the World Architecture Day on October 07. END