23 October 2013 - A total of 379 Filipinos took the recently conducted Special Professional Licensure Board Examinations (SPLBE) held in Riyadh from October 15 to 17.
The Examinations were supervised by a Team from the Professional Regulations Commission (PRC), headed by Director Lily Ann R. Baldago, Head of the five-member PRC Team.
As in previous years, this year’s examinations were organized and coordinated by the officers and members of Philippine Professional Organizations (PPO) under the leadership of its current Chairman Engr. Modesto Gibas.
The Special Professional Licensure Board Examinations were administered for seven disciplines. Nursing still topped the number of examinees with 87 examinees, closely followed by Architecture with 86 examinees, Registered Master Electrician with 54 examinees, Civil Engineering with 49 examinees, Mechanical Engineering with 46 and Certified Public Accountants with 24 examinees.
The PRC Team earlier met with Philippine Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Ezzedin Tago. During the call, the PRC and Embassy officials discussed the mandate of the Commission and other administrative arrangements related to the conduct of the examinations. END